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Limousine Website: Prom Limousines

Limousine Website: Prom Limousines

PromLimousines.com is an limousine website with integrated live booking service and administration.


  • Custom design
  • Fully Responsive Design – adapts on all the devices on which it is opened: iPhones, iPads, tablets, Smartphones or desktop computers.
  • User friendly and easy to navigate
  • Limo Booking Reservation system
  • Showroom
  • Blog
  • Advanced site search and filters
  • Header and footer navigation
  • Secure payment options for limousines operators
  • Social Media Links and integration: Buttons and integration with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Googleplus
  • Live Chat
  • Vendor Administration
  • User Administration
  • Vehicle administration
  • Driver administration
  • Booking administration
  • Email based customer and vendor notification system

Website: Promlimousines.com

Limousine website with online booking